
(2024年)收藏520情人节告白句子 感动暖心高甜 赶快秘密收藏吧!

时间:2024-05-21 23:27:31


Meet you in thousands of people, meet you in thousands of years, no earlier, no later, so catch up.


The craziest thing in my life is to fall in love with you. The best hope is to have you with me for a crazy life.


(2024年)收藏520情人节告白句子 感动暖心高甜 赶快秘密收藏吧!

If falling in love with you is also a mistake, I am convinced that it will be the most beautiful mistake in life, I would like to be wrong for a lifetime

4.我爱你,因为你灿烂的笑容,不仅能给我带来欢乐,(节日句子大全 www.jierijuzi.com)还能让我感到一丝温暖。

I love you because your bright smile can not only bring me joy, but also make me feel warm.


I love you, let me close to you, warm you, let me accompany you to grow old slowly.


If I could, I would like to spend every moment of my life with you

(2024年)收藏520情人节告白句子 感动暖心高甜 赶快秘密收藏吧!


I love you, do not need to be too romantic, I just hope that we can be together for a lifetime, even if the life is light.


On May 20, I love you so much that I hope to accompany you to the old age and let you be the treasure in my hand.


As long as you still look at me in the distance, no one else will come into my heart. A heart will beat for you forever!


(2024年)收藏520情人节告白句子 感动暖心高甜 赶快秘密收藏吧!

Know you just know that there is a mood called attachment, there is a feeling called love, 520 Happy Valentines Day!


It is the happiest thing in my past life, this life and the next life to give you all my love.


Don look at your eyes, don look at your eyebrows, look at the heart are you, forget who I am!


People are still, dreams are still, husband and wife love is still; years change, youth change, you and my husband and wife heart is unchanged. Dear, 520 happy.

14.人生的路很长很长,让我陪你一起走吧。我愿与你搭建一个属于我们自己的天空。The road of life is very long. Let me go with you. I would like to build a sky of our own with you.



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