

时间:2024-05-23 19:30:58



One of the most beautiful sounds in the world is a mothers call. Mothers day is here, I wish all mothers a happy mothers day!



A mothers love is always more than what she says. Mothers day is here, I wish all mothers a happy mothers day!

妈妈这个称谓,(节日句子大全 www.jierijuzi.com)只是叫一叫,就能触动心弦。母亲节到了,祝天下所有母亲节日快乐!

Mother this title, just call a call, can touch the heartstrings. Mothers day is here, I wish all mothers a happy mothers day!


In this world, we always owe one person, that is mom. Mothers day is here, I wish all mothers a happy mothers day!



Spend less and less time together. Don make your mother feel lonely on mothers day. Mothers day is here, I wish all mothers a happy mothers day!


Mothers day is not a holiday for mothers, but for children and their mothers. Mothers day is here, I wish all mothers a happy mothers day!



The whole world is urging me to grow up, only you still treat me as a child. Mothers day is here, I wish all mothers a happy mothers day!


Where mother is, where is the happiest place. Mothers day is here, I wish all mothers a happy mothers day!


Moms hard not to let you see, warm recipes in her heart. Mothers day is here, I wish all mothers a happy mothers day!


Mothers world is small, only filled with me, and my world is very big, often ignored her. Mothers day is here, I wish all mothers a happy mothers day!


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