
[05月]岁月无言:留下的只有记忆 适合六一儿童节发圈的句子

时间:2024-05-26 23:38:24


The days carve the wind and frost on the face. Time imprints memories in my heart. But childlike innocence is a kind of mentality, even if the years are awkward, time flies. Cherish it, cherish it, you will be young forever on Childrens Day, remember to keep childlike innocence.


[05月]岁月无言:留下的只有记忆 适合六一儿童节发圈的句子

As the world becomes more and more complex, it is the heart that needs to maintain an innocence. When everyone is pursuing maturity and stability, I am only willing to send you blessings on the occasion of Childrens Day. May you be as happy as a child.

3、曾经年幼无知,曾经莽撞少年;岁月于指间无声划过,(节日句子大全 www.jierijuzi.com)才意识到过去的日子不回头。开支红酒为这不属于我们的节日干杯,儿童节快乐!

Once young and ignorant, once a teenager.The years passed silently, and I realized that the past days did not look back. Heres to spending red wine on a holiday that doesn belong to us. Happy childrens day!

[05月]岁月无言:留下的只有记忆 适合六一儿童节发圈的句子


Welcome to take the June 1 time shuttle to take you back to your carefree childhood. Please remove all disguises and release all pressure before boarding. Blow on a curious childlike innocence, I wish you a happy journey!


Childhood is a paradise on earth. Childlike heart is the source of happiness. Childrens day is coming, let the time go back, let the truth absurd. Let wisdom rust. Let the worry have nothing, ahead of time wish you 61 happy!

[05月]岁月无言:留下的只有记忆 适合六一儿童节发圈的句子


The years are silent, leaving only memories. Childhood is far away, grow up with no regrets. The road we have traveled is life. We still have Youth Childrens Day in front of us. I hope you will always maintain your childlike heart.






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